Welcome to our School. We hope that you and your children will find the time here rewarding both educationally and socially. The purpose of this Booklet is to inform you of matters relating to your children at the School.
8.00am The school is unable to take responsibility for the safety of students who arrive at school before 8 am because there may be no staff to provide supervision
8.30am Children allowed in classrooms
8.30am Patrols and Teachers on crossing duty
8.55am First teaching session starts
11.00am Break 1
11.30am Second teaching session starts
1.00pm Break 2
1.45pm Third teaching session starts
3.00pm School finishes. Patrols and teachers on crossing duty
3.15pm Grounds and buildings cleared.
3.30pm The school does not accept any responsibility for the safety of students who stay at school after this time.
School finishes at 3.00pm EVERY day, except Parent Interview days which will finish earlier. All children will be dismissed by 3.05pm so that they can cross the road while patrol wardens and teachers are on duty.
All pupils arriving after the 9.00am bell must report to the school office for a late pass before going to class.
No pupil is permitted to leave the school grounds after arriving at school until dismissed by the class teacher at 3.00pm. Parents or guardians requiring a child to leave school at an earlier time must sign the child out at the school office. The office staff will call the classroom teacher requesting the child be sent to the office to be collected by the parent/guardian. Teachers cannot release children from the classroom unless notified by the office staff.
Our school uses an automated text message for unexplained absences (this occurs where we have a current mobile phone number for the primary caregiver of each family).
An explanation from parent or guardian is required for all pupil absences.
Phone the school on 8272187 and leave a message on our absentee line.
- Use the Report Absences button on the school website www.kelstonprimary.school.nz
- Email to admin@kelstonprimary.school.nz
- Text with name, room & reason to 0211647819
- Write a note
For illnesses longer than a week, a doctor’s certificate may be asked for.
The school will investigate frequent or unexplained absences. When necessary, referrals will be made for home visits by a Truancy Officer.
All visitors to the school between 9.00am and 3.00pm must report to the school administration centre to sign in. This rule applies to parents delivering children late to school, collecting children before closing time, contractors and other tradespeople, staff from support agencies and relieving teachers.
Minor accidents and illnesses will be treated by school staff. Parents/guardians will be contacted immediately for more serious accidents, requiring professional medical treatment, or for illnesses beyond the scope of school staff. In an emergency situation, an ambulance will be called.
Teachers are not permitted to give medicines sent from home for children. All medicines must be handed into the school office and parents must fill in a medical form. The office staff will administer all medicines in the sick bay area.
Self-administered medications (e.g. asthma inhalers) are not included in this, provided that the child knows how to take the medicine correctly.
Lunches are provided to students free of charge. Our supplier name is Lunchy. The students eat this lunch during the first break. A small snack is still needed for our second break time.
A. Telephone
All classrooms and offices are equipped with telephones to speed internal communication. Teachers are not able to take telephone calls during teaching sessions. Before and after school, and at intervals, teachers may have duties and meetings which prevent them from being immediately available.
Parents/guardians should leave a message with the school office for the teacher to ring back at an appropriate time.
B. Interviews
The teacher’s first responsibility is to the supervision of their class. Parents/guardians must not call at classrooms during school teaching sessions to discuss matters relating to their child. (See Visitors to the School section of this info guide).
Teachers may be available before or after school, depending on their duty and meeting commitments which take priority.
Parents may arrange an interview time by telephoning the school office or contacting the teacher in advance.
New Entrants
If you have a child turning 5 soon, you can come to our school office any school day between the hours of 9am - 3pm to complete the enrolment. We suggest doing this at least one month prior to your child’s 5th birthday. We will require a copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport. If the child was born overseas we will also need to see the Residency, Work or Student Visa to show proof of eligibility to study in New Zealand. Please also bring an immunisation certificate if possible, which can be obtained through your family doctor. You are also welcome to book in a time to meet with our Principal Mr Hughes and take a tour of the school if you wish.
We can also organise for you and your child to have up to 3 classroom visits if you wish. These would be between the hours of 9.00am - 10.30am in the weeks leading up to them turning 5. You would need to stay in the classroom with your child during this time (no other pre-schoolers please).
Please note that children who turn 5 before 31 March will start school as a Year 1 student, those with birthdays from 1 April will be classified as Year 0.
The parent or guardian will need to sign the Enrolment Record as a declaration of the accuracy of the information supplied, and acceptance of the school’s policies and by-laws.
Transferring from another NZ school or overseas
Enrollments can be done at our school office any school day between the hours of 9am - 3pm. We will require a copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport. If the child was born overseas we will also need to see the Residency, Work or Student Visa to show proof of eligibility to study in New Zealand. If possible, please also bring an immunisation certificate, which can be obtained through your family doctor. We can arrange for a tour of the school if required.
The parent or guardian will need to sign the Enrolment Record as a declaration of the accuracy of the information supplied, and acceptance of the school’s policies and by-laws.
It is essential that this information is kept up to date - especially contact phone numbers, health matters and issues of guardianship/legal custody. Please let the school office know immediately if there are changes in your child or family’s circumstances.
Kelston Primary does not charge any fees or ask for donations.
Class trips play a very important role in our school programmes. All school trips (with the exception of camp) are provided at no cost. Parents are always needed to help with trips.
1. Children are grouped into two areas, each under the leadership of a Senior Teacher
-Years 0-3 (Junior School)
- Years 4-6 (Senior School)
2. Some rooms have composite classes (e.g. Year 5&6)
3. Criteria for placing children in a particular class are:
- Boy/Girl balance
- Mixed abilities
- Ethnic mix
- Established friendships
- Teacher/Pupil compatibility
- Non-placement of two members of a family in the same room
unless requested by parents
4. Class Roll numbers vary from syndicate to syndicate. The school organisation for any year aims at keeping class sizes within the following guidelines:
- The Year 1 classes begin the year with about 15 children each
and build up throughout the year to 21 children
- Year 1-2 classes have between 22 and 25 children
- Year 3-6 classes average 28-32 pupils.
As enrolments vary greatly from year to year, and cannot accurately be predicted, some classes may occasionally exceed the roll numbers listed above.
The teaching staff report to parents on children’s progress three times each year.
First Report - (early April) is by interview, and all parents are encouraged to attend. This interview is a time for parents and teachers to share information about their children.
Mid-Year Report - A formal written report on reading, writing and maths progress and achievement is sent home. Students in year 4-6 will also take home their Portfolio of Learning. All parents are encouraged to attend an interview to discuss their child’s progress and achievement. Portfolios must be returned to school.
End of Year Report - teachers write reports on the children’s social development, progress and academic achievement. Students in year 1-6 will also take home their Portfolio of Learning. Where teachers or parents have concerns, interviews can be arranged. Portfolios must be returned to school.
At any time of year, however, if parents are worried about their child’s progress, contact should be made with the class teacher and an interview arranged. Teachers may similarly contact parents if they are having problems with a child in school.
All students will be using Seesaw to share work with family. Items of work will be shared throughout the year. Once families have connected to their child's journal (please see your child's teacher for more information) they can view and comment on their own children's work.
Through the school, parents can have access to a number of specialist services:
1. SWIS (Social Workers in our schools) - Evelyn is based in our school on Thursday & Friday each week to help families get the right support services dealing with housing, family support payments, health issues and child management. She also runs behaviour/friendship/self-esteem programmes at school.
2. DENTAL THERAPISTS - are now mobile units. They are at our school once or twice a year. You can call the School Dental Service on 8379133 or 0800825583
3. HEALTH NURSE – Our Public Health Nurse Joe Auimatagi is available on request.
4. RESOURCE TEACHER-LEARNING AND BEHAVIOUR – (The Kelston Intervention Team) – referrals made through the school.
At different times throughout the year, the school runs various enrichment programmes to extend students. These can include academic, sporting, music, arts and cultural groups.
The uniform is:
- Burgundy Polo Shirt with school logo (children will need at least two each)
- Burgundy Polar Fleece Top (1/4 zip) or Burgundy Polar Fleece Jacket (full zip) with school logo. (Children may not need these until the cooler weather comes).
- Burgundy Bucket Sun Hat with school logo purchased from NZ Uniform Shop or
- Black School Cap with Logo – Purchased from the school office $15.00.
Bottom items must be black but can be any suitable item such as shorts, long pants, skorts, skirts
Footwear – Black lace up/slip on/velcro shoes including sports shoes, or sandals – with low heels. Black socks
The uniform can be purchased at NZ Uniforms, 7 Rata St New Lynn Ph 972 0272
Email newlynn@nzuniforms.com
The school sells a limited range of second-hand uniform items. Please enquire at the school office.
Wearing of the School Uniform is compulsory for all Students
Jewellery at School – we discourage the wearing of jewellery at school. Small sleeper or stud earrings are acceptable but please no dangling earrings and no necklaces are to be worn.
Parents are encouraged to involve themselves in all classroom and school activities. Currently, we have regular parent helpers in:
- Classrooms helping with Written Language, Reading and Mathematics
- Cultural and Sports programmes
We welcome all offers of help in these and any other ways that improve the quality of learning for your children.
ASB School banking is available at the school office. See office staff for more information.
At the start of the year, stationery is sold by room number packs. These packs contain all of the books, pens, pencils etc. that the children need to start the year. Individual stationery items are sold before school if extras are needed.
All named uniforms are returned. Other items including shoes etc are kept as lost property Parents are welcome to check for and reclaim uniform items. Call into the school office first.
All classes are timetabled to use the library and borrow books each week. In addition, the Library is open at lunchtime for children’s use.
The purchase and repair of books is expensive. We ask that children take special care of books while on loan and that parents supervise book care at home. All children are expected to have a plastic bag or vinyl book bag to carry their books to and from school.
As part of library training, children are encouraged to return books by the due date. Books are issued for two weeks at a time.
Parents will be asked to pay for the replacement of books lost or damaged.
On Wednesday each fortnight, we publish a Newsletter to keep you informed of activities in and around the school. This publication includes details and dates of coming events, news about the school and classes, community group items, and samples of children’s work.
The Newsletters are distributed to the eldest child at school in each family.
We hold a whole school Principal’s Assembly on a Friday at 2.15pm in week 5 and 10 of each term. This is a formal acknowledgement of outstanding student achievement during the term.
Junior and Middle/Senior syndicates hold assemblies fortnightly on alternating weeks on a Friday from 2.15pm. All of these assemblies are a showcase of learning and a celebration of achievements. Whānau are encouraged to attend.
Every year the school consults the community on a range of topics. Consultation is usually in the form of a questionnaire sent home for parents to consider and fill in.
The school has a Sunsafe Policy that requires all children and staff to wear sunhats when outside in summer – approximately (Labour Weekend to Easter). Parents are requested to provide their child with a uniform hat or plain black hat which protects the face, back of neck and ears. A suitable SPF 15+ broad spectrum water resistant sunscreen lotion is also recommended. Both items should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.
At Kelston Primary we provide Homework each week and encourage children to complete some homework tasks. This helps their current school work and establishes the habit of doing homework for Intermediate and Secondary School.
Reading for fun is the most important homework activity that children can do, at all class levels. Children should be encouraged to read a good book at home each day, and parents can help to show the importance of reading, by regularly reading to their children. Visits to the local libraries at New Lynn and Glen Eden, or the mobile library parked in St Leonards Road each Tuesday afternoon, provide families with an excellent supply of good books. These libraries are free to all Waitakere City families.
Junior School students regularly bring home readers that they have mastered at school. This gives them the opportunity to practice reading familiar material and to share with their parents some of the skills they have learnt. Parents are requested to sign the child’s Reading Card, to show that their child has completed the reading homework.
In Year 3-6 classes, reading activities, spelling and basic maths fact homework are given each week. There may also be other activities such as finishing classroom work or independent research projects. A regular homework time of 15-20 minutes per day is sufficient at Years 3-4, and up to 30 minutes at Years 5-6.
An important activity in Years 5-6 is to be aware of news and current events. A useful Homework task is to read from the “New Zealand Herald” and “Western Leader” newspapers – at least the headlines and pictures of the main news stories for each day. Similarly, items from T.V. news at 6.00pm will help children to be aware of current events and issues affecting their lives.
While parents are not expected to teach new work, it is important for parents to show interest in the child’s school work by hearing them read, testing their basic maths facts or spelling, and discussing other work they may be doing. In this way, children learn that Homework is an important part of schoolwork.
The school accepts no responsibility for the loss of pupils’ personal property, and has no insurance to cover such losses. Children are discouraged from bringing a range of valuable or dangerous items to school. These include:
- fireworks, lighters and matches
- knives or other sharp objects
- skateboards or rollerblades
- digital devices and toys
- jewellery, except watches and keepers for pierced ears.
Cell Phones at School
We would prefer for children not to bring cell phones to school but if there is a reason a parent must fill out and sign a Cell Phone Permission Sheet. These can be obtained from the school office.
We encourage children to be self-disciplined, and we recognise good behaviour, hard work and responsibility through class and school award certificates and stickers that are awarded in class and at assemblies. Our Peer Mediators reinforce positive behaviour in the playground by awarding Tumeke Tickets for students displaying our school values of Community, Respect, Excellence, Curiosity, and Resilience.
Twice a term we hold a Principal’s Assembly. Children who have particularly distinguished themselves in academic, sporting, cultural and community areas are presented with Certificates of Excellence.
Each term we hold special 'Values' days and assemblies to promote and celebrate our school values. During these events, students are rewarded with value certificates and stickers.
Our school also operates the ‘Cool Schools’ Peer Mediation programme in which trained senior pupils assist other children to sort out minor disputes in the playground.
Kiwi Can is a life skills and values programme delivered to the whole school by trained Kiwi Can leaders with every child attending a Kiwi Can lesson once a week, every week of the school year. Kiwi Can has a noticeable effect on how well the children interact with each other in the classroom and playground.
Kiwi Can is underpinned by this whakatauki (proverb):
Iti rearea, kahikatea tei tei, ka taea
Even the small rearea bird can ascend to the great heights of the Kahikatea tree
Kelston Primary is a Travelwise School. Travelwise is an innovative programme to make school travel safer, healthier and more fun.
The programme works with primary, intermediate and secondary schools to:
- encourage and increase the use of active travel modes and public transport.
- provide safer facilities for all road users.
- reduce congestion around schools.
As a Travelwise school, we have created an individualised Safe School Travel Plan with a meaningful vision and practical actions to help create a safer and less congested environment outside the school. This whole-school approach supports and encourages our school to incorporate road safety and sustainable travel into our school culture, governance and long-term planning.
1. Children in years 5-6 may ride to school with parent’s permission.
2. Cyclists need to know the road code in relation to bicycles.
3. Cyclists need to be able to ride confidently and give signals.
4. Suitable clothing and an approved safety helmet must be worn and fitted correctly.
5. Bicycles need to be in a roadworthy condition.
6. Bicycles kept outside Senior Girls toilets, locked to the bike stand.
7. Bicycles must be walked inside or directly outside school grounds.
Crossing Patrols:
1. Only trained children to activate crossing signs with a teacher or adult supervisor.
2. Children to wear official bright orange bibs or coats, sensible clothes and wet weather gear on wet days.
3. Patrols trained by Police Constable annually.
4. Crossing duties timetabled each term.
5. Children to arrive for duty in plenty of time.
School Gates:
1. Only staff and visitors’ cars to enter and park in staff parking bays.
2. Drop off and pick up of children to be outside school grounds only.
3. Children to exit cars on the footpath side.
4. Children being dropped off opposite the school should use the pedestrian crossing.
5. Parents are not to park or stop on yellow lines or crossing. (Traffic offence notices may be issued).
6. No u-turns to be made near the crossing.
7. Children waiting to be collected should wait inside the school gate, away from the car park area and not on the footpath outside school grounds.
8. Traffic offences or incidents will be recorded on by the teacher on duty and handed to the Principal or Road Safety co-ordinator, to be collected by the Police.
Inside School Grounds:
1. Children to use footpaths.
2. Children to use zebra crossings inside the school area.
3. Driveway areas are out of bounds for pupils during morning tea and lunchtime.
4. Children are not to leave school grounds unaccompanied after arriving in the morning.
5. Speed limit kept below 10km/hr inside school grounds.
The school buildings and grounds are a SMOKE-FREE/VAPE-FREE environment at all times.
Parents and visitors to the school are asked to observe this policy in the interests of pupils’ and staff health.
School gates will be locked outside school hours. The Rimu St pedestrian gate will be locked each day at 9.30am and opened at 3.00pm.
There is Before and After School Care at Kelston Primary (permanent or casual spaces available). Some families may qualify for a Working for Families subsidy from WINZ to pay for childcare. We offer a safe and fun environment for your kids at the school hall! *Afternoon Tea Provided *Homework Help *Supervised Free Play *Structured Daily Activities Before School: 7 am - 8.30am, After School: 3 pm – 6 pm. Call Prabha on 021 669201 or 9488332 for enquiries and bookings or email Prabha@skids.co.nz
A Ministry of Education funded Music School operates in the school buildings on Saturday mornings during the school terms. A range of keyboard, string and other instruments are tutored.
The Music School Director is Mrs Jeanette Davis, phone 8149382 evenings.
In order to reduce acts of vandalism around the school, we ask people living close to the school to report any matters of concern to:
Henderson Police Phone 8390600
On the back of our fortnightly newsletters are a number of advertisements from local businesses. These firms help to keep our costs down by paying for the photocopy paper we use to print our fortnightly Newsletters. We also have advertisers supporting us in the use of the Skool Loop App.
Please support these companies.