What powerful learning looks like at Kelston Primary School:
Students are at the centre of the learning. They are actively engaged in authentic and meaningful learning experiences.
Learning is collaborative. Our learning environments are organised to support and encourage cooperative learning.
Learning is differentiated to support the diverse needs of all of our students.
Learning programmes are challenging. Students are extended to reach above their existing level and capacity.
Regular formative assessment is used to guide and inform learning programmes. It is also used to give meaningful feedback to individual learners.
All learning is culturally responsive and inclusive. Diversity is valued as an asset and students culture, language and identity as essential to learning success.
Digital learning is integrated into all curriculum areas and is used to enhance the learning process.
Extension Programmes
Children who show special abilities in certain curriculum areas will be identified where possible, catered for in the school programmes or with additional extension programmes.
Reading Extension Groups
Advanced Readers Club
Enviro Team
Coding Club
Art Club
Maths Extension (This is a programme run by Mr Pickett with year 4 - 6 students who are above the expected curriculum level in mathematics for their age group. This programme is based on using rich maths tasks which promote higher order thinking skills)
Support Programmes
Children with specific learning needs are catered for within their classroom programmes as well as identified children are catered for on the Reading Recovery Programme or withdrawal groups for Reading, Writing and Mathematics support programmes.
Talk to Learn - Oral Language Support Programme
Reading Support
Writing Support
Basic Facts Support - Mathematics
Steps - Learning Support Programme for children with Dyslexia
Fine Motor Skills (Casey Caterpillar)
Reading Recovery (Reading Recovery is an early intervention programme designed to provide intensive individual help for children having difficulty in reading and writing after one year at school. At Kelston Primary School 6-year-old children who are the lowest readers and writers are chosen for the programme when a place becomes available. The children have 30 minutes daily individual teaching until they reach the average levels of achievement for their class. This usually takes between 12 and 20 weeks)