Covid 19 Community Support (click on each option for further details)
Health Services
Healthline a free health advice and information, anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Interpreter services available if needed - 0800611116
Healthpoint New Zealands national health directory.
Starship Community Service - Services the ADHB. Ph 09 6390200
Altogether Autism - Information on Autism during COVID-19, including resources recommended by Altogether Autism experts.
Resources for Managing Coronavirus Anxiety
Kids Health - Provides information on coping with worry and anxiety about COVID19 for children.
Child Mind Institute - Has useful information on coping with Coronavirus and managing worry.
Relaxation/Breathing Techniques
Sparklers - Fun wellbing activites to support whānau to look after their wellbing and feel good.
Fun Breathing Excercises - Breathing exercises to help you relax.
Pause Breathe Smile - The Mindfulness Education Group.
Māori and Pacific Service Providers
Whānau Ora - Work with whānau to find the services and support you need.
Ministry for Pacific Peoples - The Ministry for Pacific Peoples has information and resources specifically for Pacific peoples.
Parent Support Services
Parenting Helpline - Free service, is available 9am – 9pm, 7 days a week – Call 0800 568 856
Asian Family Services - Nationwide face to face or telephone support to Asian families living in New Zealand. Offered language services: English, Mandarin, Cantonese, Korea, Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese and Hindi.
Strengthening Families - Available for any whānau in New Zealand when more than one community support organisation or government service is or could be required. It is a free service.
Family Violence and Children's Care and Protection
Oranga Tamariki - If you believe a child is in immediate danger, call the Police on 111. If you are worried about a child and want to make a referral or report of concern, call 0508 326 459.
Women's Refugee - National Helpline: 0800 REFUGE / 0800 733 843. Counselling and housing for abused women and their children.
Shine* - Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0508 744 633. Offer domestic violence support and counselling.
Shakti New Zealand - Provides immediate help and support to women, children and youth of Asian, African and Middle Eastern origin. 24/7 Crisis Line with multi-lingual staff 0800742584
Mental Health Services
Mental Health Foundation - Provides an overview of mental health services including crisis services, helplines and support for young people. Contact their information service on (09) 623 4812.
TalkingWorks - Have a directory of counsellors/ psychologists/psychotherapists/play therapists in Auckland – can be searched by speciality (e.g., ASD, Trauma).
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Waitemata DHB - Marinoto Child and Youth Mental Health Services - Ph 0800489555
Other Agencies
The New Zealand Food Bank Directory - Find a local food bank using the New Zealand Foodbank Directory.
Netsafe - Online safety organisation who have resources and tips to help keep children and young people safe online.